Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's ReaL!

What is real?? Each reality is different and our individual experience is a result of the reality that we create.
Join us on Tuesdays, September 9, 16, 23; October 7, 14, 21; November 4, 14, 18 for an exploration: What’s Real? Workshop

A group exploration of the connection of mind, body and spirit in discovering who you are. What works in your life can be used to help you remember your magnificence. Each week we will explore a different perspective to assist you in discovering who you are and provide you tools to immediately create an even better you. Bring your journal and an open mind.

Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Location: Enchanted Eye – 362 E Broadway, Salt Lake City 84111
Bring and open mind and journal and willingness to be open to process. Be willing to not know..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Open House - Saturday, August 16th, 4-8 pm

YEAH!! This Saturday is my Open House! August 16th, 4-8 pm at 362 East Broadway (300 South).
This space is welcoming and magical... I've had several wonderful readings so far and look forward to many more!
Please stop by on Saturday - or call for a reading any time in August for the special $70 one-hour rate.

I wish you much LoVe and ManY BleSSingS!!! ~Cheryl

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Office Location!

It is with great excitement that I post about my new office!! I am now located at 362 East Broadway in Salt Lake City! I found a fantastic, magical space with a beautiful garden to welcome everyone who visits. I am in the process of painting and decorating and will announce an open house date very soon.
I look forward to inviting all my clients and friends to stop by and leave a blessing.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting the BLOG started

Hi! I'm excited to start a new Blog for my web site.

As I restyle the Enchanted Eye web site, I also created this Blog to stay in touch with you.

I've had some new developments in my psychic awareness, and am more frequently working with my clients' relatives and spirit guides to deliver messages for growth, encouragement and healing.

Watch for more news about "Voices in the Parlor" and news of my new location!

I wish a blessed day for you! <3
