Although it is said to be unlikely, there are several safety warnings posted on how to prepare for and respond to the impact of these surges and bursts. The advice is about electrical outages and how to survive in the event of a loss of the power and technology on which we so heavily rely.
What I haven't seen addressed is the implications on our emotions, bodies and psyches. As humans, we have our own internal electromagnetic fields that can be more sensitive than the city power grid. As I write this, I'm wishing I'd posted a few days ago as a heads up to both of us.
When our circuits are touched with a surge of electricity, it can provoke anything from emotional outbursts to checking out of this life. Issues can feel magnified, plans are derailed on the slightest twist, relationships are forged more deeply or released with great ease. Commitments that have been danced around are suddenly in deep immersion. Odd sensitivities to surroundings, personalities or situations are pushed toward both extremes. This is not a time of defining good or bad, but an opportunity to observe your personal sensitivity, polarization and to make changes as you're called to do so.
In the world where we engage the laws of attraction, this is a fabulous time to see how your signals are transmitting and receiving as the power of Neutral is minimized. Who shows up? Who triggers you? What gifts are you receiving? From where are the compliments coming? Where do you find clarity in your vision? What are you feeling deeply and what of it will you keep and what will you release?
This polarization of energy can be disorienting. Pay closer attention when you're driving - both you and your neighbor are under the effects of this energy surge. If you feel uncertain or uneasy, pause, breath, center your focus before making a decision or moving forward. Minimize distractions more than usual when you need to complete a task or reach a deadline. This is the perfect time to do just one thing at a time as you are easily distracted and the talent of multi-tasking is not a graceful dance.
Beautiful Blog! I appreciate the information that is in the content. Thank you!
Fascinating and makes total sense. It also explains a lot of the things I've been feeling/sensing lately.
I wonder if the effects will be intensified by the upcoming Mercury retrograde?
A good time to stay aware, as you said! Thank you!
Thanks Cheryl for this timely update. I will look forward to getting "notices" from you as necessary. Is this impacting sleep patterns? I've been hearing many people say that they are having trouble sleeping?
Thank you, Auretha
Love the new format :-) Inspired by the question...
What are you feeling deeply and what of it will you keep and what will you release?
Love U,
~ christine
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