Friday, October 23, 2009


"This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That's where people go on missing.... This pain is just to make you more alert--because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them. Otherwise they don't become alert. When life is easy, comfortable, convenient, who cares? Who bothers to become alert?" ~Osho
So, when the pain arises, face it and awake to what it is showing us. When we accept discomfort as guidance, we have the opportunity to live more deeply and authentically.

As I look at my life and the lives of those close to me, I see the pain and sorrow. What I appreciate about being in touch with an evolved community is that this circle is willing to look at what is going on - while the emergency surgery of a friend may be inconvenient, it serves her need to balance out responsibilities at home and creates a demand for rest over work with no exception. A feeling of overwelm will eventually create this experience of pain or sorrow because our soul will give a tug and the subsequent opportunity to come back to center.

In the midst of a life that I consider happy and satisfying, there are times when the pain of progression hits me in the face. It shows up as criticism, disappointment, loneliness, frustration and worry. When I am not present or need exposure to the bigger picture, I get the physical pain of falling and fracturing my foot, cutting myself, breaking something I love or puking my guts out. My soul says "STOP!" "LISTEN!" "BE!" It's a message to get back to my life, to clear my head (and my belly), to remember who I am without the peripheral excitement, distraction or obligation.

Today, we are reminded that pain is here see ourselves again, to remember our place in this world, to be our authentic SELF! Love, time, grace, forgiveness, and even sometimes stiches or vomit serve this message. Hang out with the pain, see where your mind goes once you get past the fear or aggravation of the situation.

~ Blessed be ~

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tarot for Today: Perfection

All of life's experiences have brought you to this time of perfection. Know well this moment carries a gift--for hard work well done. Your base is solid now and success and good fortune are yours for they are the outcome of what has already been experienced within.

Today, this is a helpful message to receive. Lately, I've been slow, sluggish, what I would label unmotivated. There are incomplete projects and work assignments, boxes still to unpack, blogs to write, calls to return and an office to move. I have been focused on the undone things of my life instead of what is done and right. And there are so many right things! My son is doing well as a high school student, our house is welcoming and warm, I have beautiful and loving friends, I have many opportunities for work projects, there's money in the bank, my birthday celebration was fun and nurturing, I spent the weekend with one of the best friends I've ever had just for the heck of it... I could go on and on... and the list is much longer than the list of undones. So today, I am grateful for these blessings, the things that are complete and right and loving in my world. And, I agree with the energy of this card - my base is solid now and success and good fortune are mine!

~ blessings to you ~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's RIGHT with our kids? Part 1

I've been hearing a lot lately from parents whose children are not "fitting in" to (what we consider) the "norm" - they aren't studying, don't know what they want to do with their lives, are frustrated with their own direction or just feel lost. What can we, as parents/teachers/friends, do to continue to nurture their curiosity and learning when we are faced with what might look to us as some kind of "failure" either by us or the child or both?

When touching on this subject, I need to say that I am not an expert on child development or education. My focus is on the expression of spirit that shows up in these developing humans and how to support that spirit in these times of confusion and frustration. My information comes from observation and from meditations with spirit on how to be of service to my clients in this arena.

First, "normal" is relative. When looking at the expression of spirit, normal conforms only to the internal desire for expression of that particular individual. This is the soul's expression, not an expression that is imposed by a parent or society. When relating with our children "soul to soul" we find an equal in there with whom we can completely relate, love and accept. What gets in the way are our expectations about what we are supposed to see - hair, clothes, music, attitude, performance - all serve to detach and separate us. As adults in this equation, it is our role to realize this. What we can choose to separate from instead is the expectation for things to be different. We often see our children as a reflection of ourselves - an extension that makes us look good or bad in the public depending on how they choose to be. We need to be clear that this is OUR issue, not the child's and it is our role to work that out - not lean on them to change their essence to fit ours.

What do you see in your relationship where your rules about how they should be are taking you out of the experience of Loving your child(ren)? Where can you trust them and their spirit more to allow them to express and discover their true nature?

More on this idea of trusting the spirits in our children next time... we trust them so they can learn to trust themselves!

Sending you abundant blessings and infinite LOVE ~ * ~


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Creating anew on this Magical, Blessed Day

Today - we have an unusual cosmic occurrence - a second lunar eclipse (independent of the usual solar eclipse) within a month of the last, which is also the day of the full moon AND the holiday Tu B'Av (the happiest, most love filled day of the year) - it is a day of magic and creation.

"Lunar eclipses energize us to shed old habits and let go of the past so that the doorways to the future can open. In the signs of Leo (the Sun) and Aquarius (the Moon) we are asked to shed our Leo pride and drama, our arrogant belief that we are the center of the universe, and turn our attention to the needs of the whole, to the group. Lunar eclipses are like super powerful Full Moons. The Sun, Moon and Earth all align on the same plane, and for a few hours, the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon. The Earth cuts off solar consciousness from the reflective power of lunar unconscious. There is a pause, a held-breath, when we get to see what's there in our lives without indulging in our usual emotional complexes. Lunar eclipses clear things out of our lives, especially issues from the past. But if we let go of something, we need something to replace it. We need a new story." (Cathy Lynn Pagano)

In this space of releasing illusions, we are invited to replace disgarded roles and ideas with a new story from your soul - what are the gifts, talents, messages of spirit that you are here to live out? Beyond the tug of your ego, expectations of others, obligations and burdens - WHO IN THE WORLD ARE YOU?

For me, life is clearly presenting the opportunity of releasing the illusions of limitations - limitations of career, money, relationships and destinations. As I look at what life has already provided for me, I can see that all I've ever needed has been provided. In this new chapter, life is kicking it up - more than a notch! My audience is growing... clients are calling from all corners of the universe and I'm working with so many talented, open and generous individuals. Partnerships with other light workers are taking me to new places to help others reconnect with their hearts and spirits. My role in this life is as a broad reaching "dot connector" - expanding my connection with spirit and assisting others in their quest for MORE. Whenever we want more, more food, sex, money, love, work, time, control, freedom, our hearts are really craving more connection, more knowing ourselves and our role in this great alliance of growth. Where do you fit in this dance? (We ALL fit!) What does your heart call for you to do next? How is love at work through your hands and where do you envision it taking you?

What can you release today? And what will you create in that space? Keep present to the energy of compassion, love and openness... this is not about assessing yourself critically, but truly dancing in the vastness of what is possible in the energetic changes that are coming available to the world.

I send you blessings of

LoVe ~*~ HappiNess ~*~ your HeartS DesiRes ~*~ all kicked up a notch cuz I know you can handle it!

Quotes excerpted from an article by Cathy Lynn Pagano,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Eclipses - A Triple Wallop! July and August, 2009

Some of this information is after the fact, but it is still useful for observing and responding to the changes many of us are facing this season. If you are feeling a 'shake up,' chances are you are aligning closer to your life purpose. Knowing this may not make the situation easier, but it affirms that even if we are uncomfortable, it is with clear purpose and prompts our soul's growth if we allow it. As always, you get to choose what you do with the events and your feelings about it - and I am available for readings if you have questions you'd like clarified.

The following comments are from Janet (Sparrow) Moon at

July 7, July 21, and August 5, 2009

Eclipses bring changes, good and bad. Usually they come in pairs twice a year, but this summer we will have 3 eclipses: a lunar, a solar, and then another lunar.

Most of us find changes difficult, even if they are positive. With all the changes we have been dealing with over the past year due to the collapse in the economy, I'm not sure any of us will really want to deal with any more. Well... like it or not, change is coming. Do we want to sit around and cry, or do we want to accept the challenges and grow into richer and more spiritually healthy human beings? It's our choice.

The first two eclipses will be in Cancer and Capricorn, and the third will reflect between Leo and Aquarius. (I have good news for Leos and Aquarians; this will be your last set of eclipses. It will be another 8 years before they come back to your signs.)

The lunar eclipses will be penumbral eclipses, which means that just the edge of the earth's shadow will be crossing the moon. But, the solar eclipse on July 21 will be a total eclipse, so it will pack a strong wallop.

The first eclipse will be a lunar eclipse on July 7th at 5:38 AM EDT. If we were only dealing with the eclipse itself, we may find that the event would be less dramatic. But, there will be other stellar aspects happening over the days leading up to the eclipse, so get ready for drama. The eclipse will consist of the Sun in Cancer at an opposition to the Moon in Capricorn, and Saturn over in Virgo will be making a positive aspect between the two. Normally I would say that there could be some positive changes in business and at home if we've been working hard. But, Mars the ruler of energy and sex will be fighting with Neptune and Jupiter, and Venus, the goddess of love, will be upset with Pluto. There could be lots of fights, disputes, auto accidents, jealousy, and financial losses on top of the eclipse energy.

The second eclipse on July 21st (July 22nd Europe) at 10:35 PM EDT will be a total solar eclipse at 29 degrees Cancer. The 29th degree is a karmic point, and it can bring out the heroes. People born with their suns or rising signs at the 29th degree of any sign often like to rescue people. This time, not only do we have a powerful eclipse at a karmic degree, it's also going to be aspecting Uranus and Pluto. And, we have other planets doing their things at the same time. There is a good chance that relationships will breakup and investments will show major losses around this time. But, there is also a chance that some will "take the bull by the horns" and initiate major changes in their lives. Some of those changes will be absolutely brilliant, but some will be dealing with major losses. It's not unusual that people who are ill and tired often pass over during eclipses, but this eclipse may bring even more deaths... and some not anticipated.

The third eclipse will be the final eclipse in Leo and Aquarius on August 5th. It will be at 8:39 PM EDT, and it will be visible from about the eastern 2/3 of the US. I would call it more of a normal eclipse, since it won't be aspecting any other planets. And the other planets of the zodiac will not be at war with one another. It's still going to be an eclipse, and there will be changes to deal with. But, after the previous 2 eclipses, this eclipse may feel more like an aftershock. And, if you want to do something different, with Leo and Aquarius involved, throw an eclipse party!

About the Author: Janet (Sparrow) Moon

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Living Enchantment

"Parents are wise in telling their children magical stories because such stories introduce children to enchantment, a state of being that serves is in all sorts of practical ways. Without enchantement, it's hard to create, hard to learn, and hard to have the kind of hope that keeps life fresh. It is even hard to do science."
~ Christine Wicker in Not in Kansas Anymore

Sociologist Mark A Schneider defines enchantment as encountering events or objects "so peculiar and so beyond our present understanding as to leave us convinced that were they to be understood, our image of how the world operates would be radically transformed."

Enchantment brought us running water, flushing toilets and solar panels!

Many years ago, when I started my intuitive work as the Enchanted Eye, I wasn't aware of these verbalizations on the subject of enchantment... yet I was clear that my work was, and still is, outside the margins of what would be labeled as known or practically explainable. Enchantment brings people in to talk about the why, what, when, where, who of everyday life. I have the priviledge of working in the enchantment zone - where the imagination of what's possible but not yet clear meets the functionality of the senses and verbal communication. Enchantment allows the capacity to reach beyond what I know is true or what is familiar to me. It creates the space for me to connect with someone else's reality, one that although I may not cognitively understand, I can feel their place in the process and allow guidance to show up.

In my own life, enchantment provides for growth, development and a continuing connection to otherworldly energies. I don't quite know who or what I hear sometimes, yet when I can listen beyond what is "reasonable" I experience connection with ideas, solutions and creations that I never would have encountered in my everyday beingness. It all begins in the magical realm in which all that is cannot be see or categorized... and where it ends is beyond what we can imagine at this point.. if it truly ends.

We all know Enchantment - how do you use it? I'd love comments on your enchanted experiences!

Blessed be~

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Enchanted Opportunities

Lately, I have experienced many synchronicities in my life... and the more they happen, the more I realize there are no accidents. I find myself in the process of "following the breadcrumbs" as I move forward. I am not quite sure where they all will lead. I have set some clear intentions for the direction of my life and I guess they are on that path, but I am not attached to where I will end up. What I know is this is a fabulous journey. Just realizing the magic that occurs in my life is destination enough. Being in the right place at the right time without ever having known that I was even supposed to be there is amazing. This is more than luck - it's divine! I feel the guidance of my angels, spirits - whatever cosmic beings that are there to assist me - in so many moments of my day. From following random driving directions to making phone calls to stopping in a gallery at just the right time, there is a functional inspiration that carries with me. And then, out of the blue, ideas, creations, musings on a grand scale... travel here... talk to this person... take this class... another book... what about getting an agent? All of the messages that arrive to lead me in an expansive direction... away from the familiar, the routine, the small scared place of fear. I often get an idea... then read an article reinforcing it, or receive an email that continues the thought... all from unrelated sources, yet carrying the same theme.
So, on Friday, I am headed to Oceanside CA to take a writing and speaking class with Lisa Nichols. I still am not clear about what it is I am supposed to write, although I know I will write, and there are opportunities for speaking about my intuitive work on the calendar already so I'm going to focus on that... I am great with reading for groups, but am not sure how to give a long talk on the subject, or what to teach in the arena... the answers will come... the breadcrumbs are falling...
~ many blessings to you... to those you love, because they comfort and nurture you... to those who challenge you, because they create space for you to grow... many blessings to this beautiful planet!
~ Cheryl

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Voices in the Parlor

So, I've been vibrating with this concept of Voices in the Parlor for several months and I am hearing that it is time to do more than sit with it. There is very little to formulate - just an invitation to be sent. The process is in place and we just need to tap into it.
The idea of Voices in the Parlor is along the lines of an old-fashioned seance - a circle gathered with the intention of channeling information from another dimension. I see a group of clearly focused individuals, willing to become part of a solution, open to healing and present to both the pains and the possibilities of this world and beyond.
My purpose in this circle is to both heal wounds that are raw or unresolved, and invite divine support for growth beyond our self-imposed boundaries. Our opportunities are limitless! We only need to choose one dream and then harness the chutzpah and support to live it out.
We are living in a rare time... a transition to what seems like an infinite and unknown destiny that can sometimes be scary. Yet with portals opening to distinct and fortuitous events that, until we meet them, we won't completely understand. Now is the time to release obligation that doesn't fit, to know who we are and why we are here - and to trust the light we are here to carry. What is your true calling, what are you here to accomplish and who are you to help along the way?
Voices in the Parlor is an opportunity to bridge the gap into the next world, gain clarity for the next step, to tap into the grace of spirit and to surrender to our gifts.
What are your gifts? Do you have a sense of why you are here? Can you reflect on your life and see the divine in action? Do you realize how precious and beloved you are?
The journey begins on Tuesday, February 17th with an invitation only experiental event. The process will continue twice a month on days to be announced.
Stay tuned - and let me know if you would like an invitation for the 17th.
~blessed be.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What in the WORLD is going on??

A lot of clients lately have asked, "what is going on?" "Why is my life going in this direction?" "What do you think about all of these changes?" "Will I survive this economic crisis?" And I consistently have channelled the same answer. We are in the midst of a cosmic shakedown... a spiritual reconciliation... an economic progression. I know that may not sound like what you hear in the news (if you choose to listen - I personally do not) yet it seems true with the messages and readings that I have experienced.

Not everyone I know is experiencing strife. A new restaurant opened down the street... and around the corner a gallery closed down and reopened with a new owner within three weeks. People are quitting "secure" employment to follow their dreams as a practitioner, travel agent, writer or bartender. There are many new beginnings to see around us when we get out of the shadow of the press and watch others following their dreams.

I don't mean that this is a free-for-all with everyone experiencing change or that initially it is an exciting transition. For many, the shock of having one income where there were two can be tragic, and yet a blessing. My husband is one of the many who has been given involuntary release to follow his dreams (aka., downsized). Two weeks before Christmas, he was laid off and my first thought, and word, was "Congratulations!" Sure, there were/are some concerns about his income, yet the opportunity for him to find more satisfactory work was prominent in my mind. He had worked in a position where he says he didn't quite "fit" and had desires for a different experience than what he was living at the time - spiritual reconciliation. We are blessed to have minimal debt and manageable expenses so it is working itself out. And, the excitement in his voice as he peruses the job listings is worth the uncertainty. He will find work more closely aligned with his ideals, and will be exercising the skills and talents that light him up. This makes life better all around for us.

This equalization is bringing us all back to authentic living... accepting our true calling... encouraging us to be who our spirit knows us to be. Getting us out of the box of expectation and on to the street of inspiration where we experience a bliss in our expression.

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences... beyond the experience of loss and into the awakening that you are experiencing thru it.

I wish you an authentic experience of yourself and the momentum to create life with it.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Blogging - minding my own Business!

I took a great class yesterday from Cam Allison Williams on the value of blogging. so, I'm in today and typing away.
I like the idea of a blog... and post when I have an event coming up, but don't talk a lot about myself outside of the business stuff. I am in the business of talking about other people's stuff... whether I'm doing a reading, channeling a departed one, creating a piece of art or working on a marketing or accounting project for client, I'm in their "business" not mine... maybe I need to mind MY business once in a while and talk about it? I'm much happier talking about you... thank you!
What I love about working with all of my clients is the ability to serve the greater good... connecting the dots... clarifying information and details. Over the past few years, it has become very clear that I am first and foremost a conduit for spirit. How that blesses my life is that I have learned to trust the messages of spirit... from knowing where to get a parking space or find directions to being in the right place at the right time to meet the next right contact, spirit guides my life when I get my (ego driven) thoughts out of the way. Coming from an accounting, process oriented business background, this is a HUGE gift to me. It reminds me that there is so much more to living than the nuts and bolts in front of me. So, while I am in this work to serve others, the work, and thus my clients, serve my soul so well.
My life blissfully continues to expand with this experience and it wonderful to be in the flow of it all!
~ I wish you a blessed, soulful day!