Today - we have an unusual cosmic occurrence - a second lunar eclipse (independent of the usual solar eclipse) within a month of the last, which is also the day of the full moon AND the holiday Tu B'Av (the happiest, most love filled day of the year) - it is a day of magic and creation.
"Lunar eclipses energize us to shed old habits and let go of the past so that the doorways to the future can open. In the signs of Leo (the Sun) and Aquarius (the Moon) we are asked to shed our Leo pride and drama, our arrogant belief that we are the center of the universe, and turn our attention to the needs of the whole, to the group. Lunar eclipses are like super powerful Full Moons. The Sun, Moon and Earth all align on the same plane, and for a few hours, the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon. The Earth cuts off solar consciousness from the reflective power of lunar unconscious. There is a pause, a held-breath, when we get to see what's there in our lives without indulging in our usual emotional complexes. Lunar eclipses clear things out of our lives, especially issues from the past. But if we let go of something, we need something to replace it. We need a new story." (Cathy Lynn Pagano)
In this space of releasing illusions, we are invited to replace disgarded roles and ideas with a new story from your soul - what are the gifts, talents, messages of spirit that you are here to live out? Beyond the tug of your ego, expectations of others, obligations and burdens - WHO IN THE WORLD ARE YOU?
For me, life is clearly presenting the opportunity of releasing the illusions of limitations - limitations of career, money, relationships and destinations. As I look at what life has already provided for me, I can see that all I've ever needed has been provided. In this new chapter, life is kicking it up - more than a notch! My audience is growing... clients are calling from all corners of the universe and I'm working with so many talented, open and generous individuals. Partnerships with other light workers are taking me to new places to help others reconnect with their hearts and spirits. My role in this life is as a broad reaching "dot connector" - expanding my connection with spirit and assisting others in their quest for MORE. Whenever we want more, more food, sex, money, love, work, time, control, freedom, our hearts are really craving more connection, more knowing ourselves and our role in this great alliance of growth. Where do you fit in this dance? (We ALL fit!) What does your heart call for you to do next? How is love at work through your hands and where do you envision it taking you?
What can you release today? And what will you create in that space? Keep present to the energy of compassion, love and openness... this is not about assessing yourself critically, but truly dancing in the vastness of what is possible in the energetic changes that are coming available to the world.
I send you blessings of
LoVe ~*~ HappiNess ~*~ your HeartS DesiRes ~*~ all kicked up a notch cuz I know you can handle it!
Quotes excerpted from an article by Cathy Lynn Pagano,
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