I've been hearing a lot lately from parents whose children are not "fitting in" to (what we consider) the "norm" - they aren't studying, don't know what they want to do with their lives, are frustrated with their own direction or just feel lost. What can we, as parents/teachers/friends, do to continue to nurture their curiosity and learning when we are faced with what might look to us as some kind of "failure" either by us or the child or both?
When touching on this subject, I need to say that I am not an expert on child development or education. My focus is on the expression of spirit that shows up in these developing humans and how to support that spirit in these times of confusion and frustration. My information comes from observation and from meditations with spirit on how to be of service to my clients in this arena.
First, "normal" is relative. When looking at the expression of spirit, normal conforms only to the internal desire for expression of that particular individual. This is the soul's expression, not an expression that is imposed by a parent or society. When relating with our children "soul to soul" we find an equal in there with whom we can completely relate, love and accept. What gets in the way are our expectations about what we are supposed to see - hair, clothes, music, attitude, performance - all serve to detach and separate us. As adults in this equation, it is our role to realize this. What we can choose to separate from instead is the expectation for things to be different. We often see our children as a reflection of ourselves - an extension that makes us look good or bad in the public depending on how they choose to be. We need to be clear that this is OUR issue, not the child's and it is our role to work that out - not lean on them to change their essence to fit ours.
What do you see in your relationship where your rules about how they should be are taking you out of the experience of Loving your child(ren)? Where can you trust them and their spirit more to allow them to express and discover their true nature?
More on this idea of trusting the spirits in our children next time... we trust them so they can learn to trust themselves!
Sending you abundant blessings and infinite LOVE ~ * ~
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