"This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That's where people go on missing.... This pain is just to make you more alert--because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them. Otherwise they don't become alert. When life is easy, comfortable, convenient, who cares? Who bothers to become alert?" ~Osho
So, when the pain arises, face it and awake to what it is showing us. When we accept discomfort as guidance, we have the opportunity to live more deeply and authentically.
As I look at my life and the lives of those close to me, I see the pain and sorrow. What I appreciate about being in touch with an evolved community is that this circle is willing to look at what is going on - while the emergency surgery of a friend may be inconvenient, it serves her need to balance out responsibilities at home and creates a demand for rest over work with no exception. A feeling of overwelm will eventually create this experience of pain or sorrow because our soul will give a tug and the subsequent opportunity to come back to center.
In the midst of a life that I consider happy and satisfying, there are times when the pain of progression hits me in the face. It shows up as criticism, disappointment, loneliness, frustration and worry. When I am not present or need exposure to the bigger picture, I get the physical pain of falling and fracturing my foot, cutting myself, breaking something I love or puking my guts out. My soul says "STOP!" "LISTEN!" "BE!" It's a message to get back to my life, to clear my head (and my belly), to remember who I am without the peripheral excitement, distraction or obligation.
Today, we are reminded that pain is here see ourselves again, to remember our place in this world, to be our authentic SELF! Love, time, grace, forgiveness, and even sometimes stiches or vomit serve this message. Hang out with the pain, see where your mind goes once you get past the fear or aggravation of the situation.
~ Blessed be ~
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